The Prepper’s Basic Guide to Securing Your Home

Pause momentarily, and imagine what happens if disaster strikes today. Let’s assume emergency services are suspended, meaning you have to fend for yourself. The situation seems bleak and full of despair. 

It’s no secret that the government and law enforcement agencies go a long way to ensure some semblance of order in society. If these agencies and institutions weren’t around to protect you during an emergency, you would be vulnerable to hardened criminals, looters, and violent people.

That’s a frightening thought for many, causing preppers to secure their homes to prevent such issues if a crisis strikes. 

Securing your home is easier said than done. Numerous cases of home invasions and burglaries exist today, yet people don’t take adequate measures to protect their homes. Living in a civilized society gives people comfort and a sense of security.

However, both these things are likely to evaporate if disaster strikes. Hence, preparing your home for such situations is crucial. Fortunately, preppers have the right idea about home protection so let’s assess how they secure their homes against threats.

Classify Your Property Based on Importance

It can be challenging to protect your entire property from criminals and looters if an emergency occurs. The best initial step to take is to divide your property into zones. Classify it from the most crucial zones to the least important ones. Ideally, your critical zones will be storage and living areas, where you keep most of your essential supplies. You’ll want to ensure you protect these areas better than others.

Create Layers of Protection

The next logical step is to create several protection layers to secure your property against any possible threat. Your goal is to deter looters and burglars from entering your home. There’s no reason to go overboard because if someone wanted to break into your property, they could drive a bulldozer through your walls.

Again, your goal isn’t to fend off a private army. Instead, it’s to protect yourself from desperate looters. Consider installing barbed wires along your walls to prevent unwanted guests from jumping over your walls. Some people also install CCTV cameras and other security solutions for extra protection.

Another crucial thing to consider is that you don’t want to secure your home to the point where you cut off emergency exits.

Appearance is Everything

Your home’s appearance matters. If you’ve decked out your home with expensive ornaments and luxury cars in the driveway, you’re asking for trouble. People will come across your home and see it as a shiny object full of riches. Your goal is to make your home look less appealing to looters and burglars. Try to blend in with your neighborhood. Consider parking your vehicles in the garage and closing the garage door.

Use Deterrents

Criminals don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to their illicit activities. Light and sound often spook them. Consider installing solar-powered security lights and motion-sensitive security lighting around your premises to thwart them. Some preppers also like to have multiple strong watchdogs on the property because they provide excellent protection.