Important Reasons to Stay/Become Fit For Survival

There’s more to survival than just stockpiling food rations and building an impenetrable shelter. You’ll also need to ensure you’re in good physical condition to battle the odds if the situation deteriorates. After all, it’s the survival of the fittest and the physically fit will always have a better chance of surviving incredibly hard times.

Physical fitness is generally crucial for mental, physiological, and emotional well-being. Some studies show that moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can improve thinking and cognition. In addition, it also reduces short-term anxiety for adults.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also notes that regular physical exercise can reduce health risks like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer risks, etc. It also increases your chances of living a longer life.  

You’ll need to be more fit than ever if an emergency occurs.

Reasons to Get Fit for Survival

Here are some reasons fitness is crucial for survival. They include:

Carrying Weight

Whether you’re carrying an emergency survival kit or scavenged supplies, you’ll need the strength to carry the weight over large distances.

Fending for Yourself

You’ll need to have the stamina and strength to defend yourself from criminals and attackers. You also need that same stamina and strength to survive in the wilderness. You’ll probably have to hunt your food. Consider asking yourself: do you have the fitness to carry the deer you painstakingly hunted? If the answer’s no, you need to work on fitness.

Increasing Your Stamina

It’s no secret that the fitter you are, the longer you can withstand prolonged activity. Therefore, you have to build your stamina to survive. Consider incorporating cardio exercises into your workout regimen to ensure you have the stamina required.

Exercises to Build Strength

Here are some essential exercises to build strength for survival fitness. They include:


Deadlifts are a compound exercise that works out your glutes, arms, back, core, and hamstrings. You can’t go wrong with it. However, ensure you follow the proper form to prevent injuries.


Squats are another compound exercise that helps you develop the necessary core and lower-body strength for survival. You can start doing squats without any equipment.

Pushups and Planks

Pushups and planks are fantastic exercises for developing your upper-body strength. These exercises are tried-and-tested and have been a staple in the fitness community for decades.


You know you’re approaching peak physical fitness when you can crank out pull-ups without breaking a sweat. Pull-ups are phenomenal exercises that work your upper-body strength.

Bench Press

The bench press is another exercise the fitness community swears by, and for a good reason. Presses help enhance upper body strength.

How to Know If You’re Fit for Survival

Here’s how to know if you’re fit for survival:

  • You can comfortably survive on 1,500 calories while performing vigorous physical activity.
  • You carry a 30-pound backpack for at least eight to ten hours.
  • You can lift a seven-gallon water container and carry it at least 100 feet.
  • You can carry a 150-pound person for 100 feet.
  • You’re able to swim across an average river.
  • Running a mile over unpaved ground isn’t challenging.
  • You can defend yourself against an opponent.