Important Supplies To Have in an Emergency Survival Kit

Preparing for an emergency is easier said than done. It requires extensive knowledge and skill to prepare adequately for an unanticipated emergency. Most preppers struggle with finding the right mix that will help them get through an emergency if they’re on their own for a few days.

However, that’s the best-case scenario. You could be stuck by yourself for a few weeks or months without external assistance. It’s best to prepare yourself accordingly. Ask any prepper worth their salt, and they’ll tell you the importance of building an emergency survival kit to get you through the bad times.

What Your Emergency Preparedness Kit Should Contain?

Here are some items that your emergency preparedness kit should contain. They include:


The first and foremost item you need in your emergency survival kit is bottled water and multiple water filtration devices. You don’t know if you’ll have access to clean drinking water in an emergency. Hence, it’s best to prepare in advance by stocking up on purified water.

Red Cross recommends carrying one gallon of water per day for one person. The amount of water in your emergency survival kit depends on the kit’s intended purpose. If you’re preparing a kit for traveling, consider stocking it with enough water for at least 5 to 10days.

On the flip side, stock your kit (if enough space allows) with water for 2-6 months if you’re preparing a kit for your home.


Food is another essential element for survival. Humans can go for approximately three days without food. However, your fitness, health, performance, and lucidity will suffer the longer you starve. Consider stocking your emergency survival kit with canned goods and power bars. These items have long shelf lives and don’t require any prior preparation. You can consume them immediately without needing any cooking apparatus.


Electricity is one of the first things to go when an emergency occurs. You’ll need a variety of flashlights and headlamps to operate in the dark effectively. In addition, if you’re preparing a travel survival kit, you’ll need a couple of flashlights to help you navigate the wilderness.

Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio

Establishing communication is crucial at some point after an emergency. However, you’ll struggle to do so without the right tools. A battery-powered or hand-crank radio is an essential item in your survival

First-Aid Kit

A first-aid kit is another essential item to have in your survival kit. Whether you get cut or sustain a serious injury, you’ll need something to patch yourself up with, particularly since ambulances won’t be a viable option in an emergency scenario.


You’ll also need medications for any existing conditions you might have. It’s also wise to stock up on common, over-the-counter medicines for headaches, upset stomachs, pain relief, etc.

Multi-Purpose Tool

I think you would be pretty surprised how truly useful this type of tool can be for accomplishing a variety of tasks. Be sure to keep a variety of them in all of your camping, bugout bags and emergency kits. A multi-purpose tool can prove beneficial because it can help you cut cordage, tree branches, carve out wood to make bowls, spoons, chairs, pinch and twist things with the pliers.. etc.

Shelter and Clothing

Shelter and clothing are other essential needs for survival. It’ll serve you well to have an extra pair of clothing in your survival kit. In addition, carrying a reflective emergency blanket is also crucial. You can also use this blanket as an emergency shelter if the situation requires it. Another valuable addition to your survival kit is a waterproof tarp for extra coverage.