About Us
⇓ meet the teamWork That Makes the Dream Work ⇓
The Production Team Out of Colorado that brings the Best Fire Starting Gear to Your Doorstep.

A little backstory on what FR-1 Defense means and the mission we are on.
An FR-1 Defender is a warrior and lover who holds the keys to the future.
If that is something you would love to learn then Come join the Tribe.
We actually employ hard working Americans like yourself (Veterans, Single Moms and Dads).So when you purchase from us, you actually help and support the lives of hard working Americans.
We work and partner with Professional and Trusted Brands
Our Journey began from a small town of Fort Collins Colorado and are proudly serving this great country we live in.
Emergency Preparedness means a lot to us and we Thank You for letting us be a part of your Survival and Prepping needs.